Newsarchiv: News
Jahr 2016
Exchange program with the Southwest University of Political Science and Law
05.02.2016: The institute of Business Law offers an exchange program with the chinese Southwest University of Political Science and Law (Chongqing) in wintersemester 2016/2017.
15 of the best applicants will receive a DAAD scholarship.
The application period will take place up to (including) March 1, 2016 and must be sent directly to the institute of Business Law . Further information can be found in the attachment.
Adress of institute of Business Law:
Universitätsplatz 5 (Juridicum)
06108 Halle (Saale)
Prüfungsamt krankheitsbedingt geschlossen
01.02.2016: Das prüfungsamt bleibt krankheitsbedingt vom 1.2.2016 bis einschließlich 5.2.2016 geschlossen.
In dringenden Fällen steht Ihnen Frau Rudolph (Zimmer 111) oder das Dekanat (Zimmer 104) zur Verfügung. Die Abgabe von Abschlussarbeiten und die Ausgabe von Themen erfolgt ebenfalls durch Frau Rudolph.
Alle anderen Anliegen können wir derzeit nicht bearbeiten.
Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
Angebot Blockseminar in Chinesischer Philosophie
04.01.2016: Der Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung bietet kurzfristig eine Seminar zum Thema "Chinesische Philosophie (Einführung)" an.
Das Seminar findet vollständig in der Woche vom 18.01 bis 22.01 statt. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie im nachfolgenden Dokument.
Jahr 2015
No opening hours while winter break
01.12.2015: The examination office is closed from 18.12.2015 11:00 until 6.1.2016.
Tendering for Scholarship of the investmentbank of Saxony Anhalt
01.11.2015: Investmentbank of Saxony Anhalt advertises a scholarship for the upcoming summer semester 2016.
Focus of the scholarship
Talented students, who reached outstanding achievements in their Studies or Work.
Application period
From 01. November up to 30. November 2015
For Further information see attachements:
(unfortunately only in german)
Examination dates for winter term 2015/16
16.10.2015: We just published the examination dates for the current semester on our corresponding site "Examination dates".
By clicking an examination you can see extra scheduled periods like end of withdrawal period.
further contact for freshmen
07.10.2015: For freshmen , it is possible to contact in case of (urgent) questions the Economic Students Counsil or the Studyphone of the university ambassadors.
Start: (informations only in german)
Contact Facebook: Fachschaftsrat Wiwi Halle
Contact StudIP : Econ Students Council
- up to 15. October
- Monday - Friday (except holidays)
- from 13–20 clock
- phone: 0345 55-21550 or 0345 55-21551
- mail:
Schedule example for freshmen
25.09.2015: The new semester is starting and we welcome all first semester at faculty of economics.
You can find some useful information about the begin of your study in our category "Information for studies" like a schedule example or guides how to use the study portals of the university.
We wish you good luck and a great start in your studies.
Changed opening hours
30.07.2015: During the week of 17th Aug. 2015 to 28st Aug. 2015 apply different opening hours.
Opening hours: Tuesday & Thursday - 08:30 - 11:30
No consultation hour with mrs Braunroth
29.06.2015: Please notice: There will be no consultation hours with mrs Braunroth from the 16th of July until the 24th of july.
Important documents, which are to be signed by mrs. Braunroth, should be submitted to the examination office until the 14th of june.
Examination Office is closed
17.06.2015: Please notice, that the examination office will be closed for the following days:
- on friday, the 26th june, it will be closed for the whole day
- on wednesday, the 1st of july, until 12 o` clock.
The examination office can not receive and answer calls or questions directly.
Thank you for your understanding!
No opening times of the examination office
12.05.2015: Please note, that the examination office will not open on the 14th and 15th of may 2015. The examination office will be open again at the 18.05.2015 as usual.