Newsarchiv: News
Jahr 2013
Alternative for "Monetary Institutions" and "Inflation Theory"
07.10.2013: "Monetary Institutions" and "Inflation Theory" have been replaced by "Introduction to Health Economics" (Dr. Schwettmann) and "Growth and Development" (Prof. Grieben) in winter term 2013/14.
The registration for courses/examination could be take in the consultation hours of the secretary examination office during the period of registration.
Change of withdrawal period according to general study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's degree at the MLU
01.10.2013: The period for withdrawal of registration to module exam or module part exam and registration to the any other attempt was changed. It is one week instead of the previous three days. In calculation the day of the exam will not be counted.
The withdrawal must be done by the electronic exam and study management system. In exceptional circumstances it can be done by the examination office. This new regulations apply also if the subject specific study and examination regulations have other withdrawal periods.
Legal base for this are § 1 section 3 and § 15 section 2 „Allgemeine Bestimmungen zu Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Bachelor- und Masterstudium an der MLU“ (ABStPOBM) from 08.06.2005 (ABl. 2005, Nr. 4, S. 1), last changed through “Zweite Ordnung zur Änderung der ABStPOBM” from 14.06.2013 (ABl. 2013, Nr. 6, S. 2).
Keine Sprechzeiten Referentin Prüfungsamt
08.09.2013: Aus besonderen Anlass entfällt am 10.09.2013 die freie Sprechstunde von Frau Braunroth. In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an die MitarbeiterInnen des Prüfungsamtes.