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Jahr 2023

Limited accessibility of the Examinations Office

15.09.2023: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please note that the Economics Examination Office will not be available on 29.09.2023 and 02.10.2023 due to different reasons.

In addition, Ms. Braunroth`s free office hours will not be held on 09/26/2023.

Many thanks for understanding.

Limited availability and Opening Hours of the Examinations Office

06.07.2023: Dear students,

Please note that in the week of 31.07.2023 up to and including 04.08.2023, the Examination Office for Economics and Business Administration will only be available to a limited extent.

In connection with this, the Examinations Office will only be open in the morning on Tuesday 01.08.2023 and Thursday 03.08.2023. Please note this especially for the submission of applications and theses.

Thank you for your understanding

Information Meeting HRM Change Examination Regulations

13.06.2023: Dear students,

Students of the M.Sc. HRM are cordially invited to the information event regarding the change of the examination regulations in the same Master`s programme Human Resources Management.

This will take place during the lecture of Prof. Neyer on Tuesday, 18.07., 10:15 a.m., in room 201. We kindly ask you to come in large numbers so that all your questions can be answered directly.

Result Allocation Procedure and Information about Thesis in the field of Economics and Management

13.06.2023: Information and documents on the Thesis in the field of economics and Management and the Result of the Allocation Procedere can be found on the separate page: Thesis Economics Department (

Maintenance work StudMail

24.04.2023: Dear Students,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please note that in the week from 24.04.2023 to 28.04.2023 the ITZ will carry out maintenance work on the e-mail system of the University of Halle-Wittenberg.
This may result in restrictions with regard to e-mail correspondence.

If you do not receive a response to a request within 48 hours, please contact the examination office (again).
Thank you for your understanding.
Translated with (free version)

Jahr 2022

Attention - short-term closure of examination office 18.10.2022

14.10.2022: Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear students

Next Tuesday, 18.10.2022, the Business Administration Examination Office will be closed from 12:00 noon until approximately 2:00 pm. There will be a staff meeting, so the staff of the examination office will not be able to be on site.

Thank you for your understanding.

Limited accessibility of the examination office

22.07.2022: Dear students,

Dear employees

Due to the current limited staff situation, there will be delays in the processing of applications and requests.

Mr Schinschke will be out of the office until 05.08.2022.

Unfortunately, the Examinations Office's consultant is also out of the office due to illness until further information.

Only concerns related to final theses or the issuance of final documents can be inquired about and handled in the secretary's office (Ms. Schuster) of the Examinations Office.

Your concerns will be answered immediately upon our return.

We thank you for your understanding!

technical works in the lion portal - incomplete display

03.06.2022: Dear students,

Technical work is currently being carried out on the Löwen portal in connection with the transition to the new study and examination regulations.

This may result in the incomplete display of module registrations or credits earned for all students of economics and business administration.

This affects all students of the old as well as the new study and examination regulations.

The ITZ has already been informed about this and is involved in the correction.

We therefore ask you for a little patience until the display is correct again.
After the work on the Löwenportal is completed, all data will be displayed properly again.

Thank you for your understanding.

Start of Allocation procedure for the Bachelor seminar and/or Bachelor thesis in winter semester 2022/2023 and summer semester 2023

24.02.2022: Dear students,


we would like to inform you that on Feb 24th, 2022 the new allocation procedure for the Bachelor seminar and/or Bachelor thesis has started at the Löwenportal.


All those students of the bachelor programmes B.Sc. BWL, B.Sc. VWL, B.Sc. Business Economics and B.Sc. WiWi 120 who wish to attend a Bachelor seminar or write their Bachelor thesis in winter semester 2022/2023 or summer semester 2023 must submit their preferences in the allocation procedure by April 21th, 2020 (cut-off deadline).


Please read carefully all the information on the allocation procedure in the Löwenportal.


The results of the allocation procedure will be made available to you, after the procedure has been completed.

Please inform yourself independently end of May 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact us at the following e-mail address


Examination office

Beschluss des Rektorats zu Präsenzprüfungen

28.01.2022: Sehr geehrte Studierende,

gemäß Beschluss des Rektorats verbietet es uns nunmehr bis auf Weiteres, Prüfungen in Präsenz anzubieten und durchzuführen.

Daher sehen wir uns gezwungen, alle am Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereich in --Präsenz-- geplanten Prüfungen der ersten Prüfungsperiode zu stornieren und somit die bereits vorgenommenen Anmeldungen mit einem Rücktritt zu versehen.

Diese Präsenzprüfungen werden zu den angesetzten Terminen nicht stattfinden.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies ausschließlich die Präsenzprüfungen betrifft.

Alle als webbasierte Formate angekündigten Prüfungen finden wie geplant statt.

Zu den weiteren Details, auch zum Prozess der dann nötigen (Neu-)Anmeldung zu den betroffenen Prüfungen, erhalten Sie in Kürze gesonderte Informationen.

Es tut uns leid, so vorgehen zu müssen. Leider haben wir keine andere Möglichkeit.

Von Rückfragen im Prüfungsamt bitten wir abzusehen.

Jahr 2021

Abbruch der Prüfung Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

30.07.2021: Liebe Studierende,


wir wurden soeben informiert, dass es leider aus technischen Gründen zum Abbruch der Prüfung "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" kam.

Wir werden in Absprache mit dem zuständigen Lehrstuhl und dem Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Prüfungsausschuss den Sachverhalt besprechen und eine Lösung finden, sowie Sie anschließend zur weiteren Vorgehensweise informieren.


In der Zwischenzeit bitten wir Sie zunächst von Rückfragen hierzu abzusehen.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Transfer of Bachelor students to new examination regulations (PO Version 2020)

18.06.2021: We kindly ask you to take note of the document provided regarding the transfer of Bachelor students to the new examination regulations.
We urge you to refrain from inquiries regarding the processing status.
Thank you for your understanding!

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