Newsarchiv: News
Jahr 2020
No presence examinations in summer semester 2020
13.05.2020: We are currently receiving an increased number of questions regarding the possible forms of examinations in the current summer semester 2020.
Therefore we would like to inform you that there will be no attendance examinations this summer semester. The exams will be taken in different, digital formats. You will receive detailed information on our page "examination dates" as soon as they are available.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to refrain from questions about possible forms of examination. You will be informed centrally as soon as the relevant information is available.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Extension of allocation procedure in the Löwenportal
21.04.2020: Dear students,
we would like to inform you that we have decided to postpone the deadline for the new allocation procedure for the Bachelor seminar and/or Bachelor thesis Löwenportal.
Since the start of lectures has been postponed to 20.04.2020 and we also want to offer students the opportunity to participate in the procedure who were impaired due to the current situation, we have decided to postpone the deadline.
All those students of the bachelor programs BSc. BWL, BSc. VWL, BSc. Business Economics and BSc. WiWi 120, who want to attend a Bachelor seminar or write their Bachelor thesis in winter semester 2020/2021 or summer semester 2021, must submit their preferences in the allocation procedure by 04.05.2020 (deadline).
For further informations please contact us under
Reminder: Allocation procedure will end until 20.04.2020
17.04.2020: Dear students,
We would like to remind you once again that on 24.02.2020 the new allocation procedure for the Bachelor`s seminar and/or Bachelor`s thesis has started at the Löwenportal.
All those students of the bachelor courses BSc. BWL, BSc. VWL, BSc. Business Economics and BSc. WiWi 120, who want to attend a bachelor seminar in winter semester 2020/2021 or summer semester 2021, or their bachelor thesis
must submit their preferences in the allocation procedure by 20.04.2020 (cut-off deadline).
In the course of the current re-accreditation process, new study and examination regulations are expected to be created from the winter semester 2020/2021 onwards. The main change is that students of the B.Sc. WiWi 120 are now also required to attend a seminar in the field of economics, regardless of their minor subject.
Please note that this change will apply to all students already enrolled. In due course, an information event will be held to inform about all further changes related to the course of study. We therefore ask you to refrain from further inquiries in this context for the time being.
Please read carefully all the information on the allocation procedure in the Löwenportal and keep a printout of your preference information, which you have checked again!
The results of the allotment procedure will be made available to you on theLöwenportal, on the website of the Examination Office under "News", as well as in our showcase after the procedure has been completed.
Please inform yourself independently from mid-May 2020.
Please note that uploading documents with the results of the allocation procedure to internet platforms such as Facebook or similar sites or social media is prohibited!
If you have any questions, please contact us
Information on teaching, examinations and theses in the field of economics
03.04.2020: Dear members and relatives of our university,
The new semester has begun and we are sure that you still have questions about your studies and examinations.
In the following you will find two documents concerning teaching, examinations and final theses, of the economics department, in connection with the current corona situation.
We would like to ask you to refrain from questions to the lecturers and teachers and to wait patiently for the announcements in Stud.IP.
Despite the adversities, we wish you a good start for the summer semester and look forward to mastering the new challenges together with you.
Get through this time healthy!
Your team of the Economic Examination Office
until recall, no availability of the examination office by telephone
20.03.2020: Dear members and relatives of our university,
the team of the Economic Examination Office will take care of your concerns via the HomeOffice.
This results in a until recall no telephone availability.
Of course, we are still available as your contact person. Please contact the examination office with your questions and problems mainly by e-mail (with your student e-mail address for example at
In urgent and complex cases, the Examinations Office by Mrs. Braunroth can also offer you a video link via Webex. For this purpose, however, we first ask you to contact by
Many thanks for your understanding.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Press release BAföG - No disadvantages due to corona
17.03.2020: In the following you will find the press release of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on the current situation and BAföG
Suspension of the entire examination phase
16.03.2020: Due to increased enquiries from our students, we would like to inform you that the -entire examination phase will be suspended, including the examinations from 27.03.2020.
Information on this can be found on the following page:
In addition, we would ask you to refrain from making any further inquiries about the repeat examinations (dates and registration modalities).
We will provide information on this as soon as it is available and announce it on our homepage appropriately.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Information from the economics department on how to deal with Discontinuation of teaching operations
13.03.2020: Here you will find all regulations that have been made for the field of economics.
Press release - Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitisation
12.03.2020: Please note the current press release on the postponement of the start of the semester:
Closure of the Economic Examination Office until further notice
12.03.2020: Dear students,
we would like to inform you that, in the interest of the common good, we are unable to offer you on-site consultation hours until further notice.
Of course, we are still available as your contact person.
Please contact the examination office exclusively by telephone, e-mail (student e-mail address) or via the mailbox.
We thank you for your understanding!
Verhinderung zur Prüfungsteilnahme aufgrund der Wettersituation
10.02.2020: Aufgrund der besonderen Wettersituation (Sturmtief Sabine) kommt es zu erheblichen Einschränkungen i.V.m. der Erreichbarkeit der Prüfungsräume zum 10.02.2020.
Sofern keine Teilnahme an Klausuren möglich war, erkennt der Wirtschaftsiwssenschaftliche Prüfungsausschuss für Studierende des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereiches daher den Rücktritt aus wichtigem Grund an.
Sollten es Ihnen nicht möglich gewesen sein, eine Prüfung vom 10.02.2020 fristgerecht anzutreten, so bitten wir bis spätestens 12.02.2020 um entsprechende Rückmeldung, nach Möglichkeit unter Vorlage etwaiger Nachweise, z.B. der deutschen Bahn, sodass der Rücktritt vorgenommen werden kann.
Restricted availability Examination Office
27.01.2020: Due to sickness-related staff shortages in the Examination Office, there is currently a limited availability by telephone.
For this reason, the office hours of the Examination Office will only be possible in room 128 on 27.01.2020.
Thank you for your understanding