Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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The department's research focuses on the topics of sustainability, environment, ethics and governance, which are investigated in conjunction with the university research field of transformation processes. These focal points are complemented by empirical economic research, which is cultivated in conjunction with the non-university research centres of the IWH   , IAMO    and UFZ    .

The specialisations stand for interdisciplinary and applied research interlinked with the social sciences and humanities, medicine and computer science. These research specialisations are also linked to teaching.

Further information on current research projects and publications can be found on the respective institute pages

für Betriebswirtschaft,

für Volkswirtschaft,

für Wirtschaftsinformatik

can be found.

Research events are also held regularly in the department and at non-university research centres (Economics research colloquium)

Further information

Current research projects

Current externally funded projects

Memberships of our researchers
