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Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium

Das Forschungskolloqium ist ein Forum für die Diskussion aktueller Beiträge aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Das Kolloquium bietet sowohl Experten als auch Nachwuchswissenschaftlern die Möglichkeit, den aktuellen Rand der internationalen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung zu diskutieren.

Das wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschungskolloquium findet in Kooperation mit dem Research Seminar statt. Weitere Informationen zum Research Seminar entnehmen Sie bitte folgendem Link:

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  • per E-Mail an hans.hempel[at]
  • Die Abstracts werden auf dieser Homepage veröffentlicht.


  • Die Vortragsdauer beträgt in der Regel 30 Minuten, anschließend erfolgt die Diskussion.
  • Beamer und Rechner stehen im Vortragsraum zur Verfügung

Veranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/24

Zeit: Mittwochs im Semester, 18.00 - 19.15 Uhr

Ort: Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Seminarraum 1 (SR 1), Große Steinstraße 73, 06108 Halle

17.01.2024Ass. Prof. Felix Schaff, PhD (European University Institute Florence)
Title: "Inheritance and Inequality in a Pre-Modern Economy"
31.01.2024Prof. Erik O. Kimbrough, PhD (Chapman University); Prof. Shachar, PhD Kariv (UC Berkeley)
Title: "Revealed Norms"
Presentation and discussion from 17:00-18:15 online via Zoom
31.01.2024Prof. Martin Ivanov, PhD (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” & Center for Advanced Study CAS Sofia)
Title: "Did Living Standards Actually Improve Under State Socialism? Evidence From Bulgaria 1924-1989"
24.04.2024Prof. Sébastien Pouget, PhD (University of Toulouse, Toulouse School of Economics)
Title: "The Development of Corporate Governance: Toulouse Companies from the Middle Ages onward"
08.05.2024Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten (University of Tübingen)
Title: „So many insights ...”: New archaeological and big data strategies for long-term economic studies of the past 12,000 years
We argue that the combination of methods from bioarchaeology, economic history and economics can lead to a new understanding of both human evolution and economic behaviour. The bioarchaeological methods are based on excavated human remains from which we can read about welfare trends, social and gender equalities, migration, security state capacity and violence, among others. Major challenges are the number of cases and various selectivities. Although limitations remain, several strategies allow to limit the extent of these potential problems. This paper gives an overview over several past, current and future research projects, and provides examples about welfare trends and inequalities in Asia and Europe over the last 12,000 years.
22.05.2024Senior Lecturer Li Chen, PhD (University of Gothenburg)
Title: “Designing Heaven’s Will: The Job Assignment in the Chinese Imperial Civil Service”
We provide an original analysis of historical documents to describe the assignment procedures used to allocate entry-level civil service jobs in China from the tenth to the early twentieth century. The procedures tried to take different objectives into account through trial and error. We compare their effectiveness in minimizing unfilled jobs and prioritizing high-level posts. We show that changes made to improve the outcome could have the opposite effect. Based on a small modification of the last procedure used, we provide a new mechanism for producing maximum matchings under constraints in a transparent and public way.
05.06.2024Prof. Dr. Albrecht Ritschl (London School of Economics)
12.06.2024Konrad Kreßmann (Martin-Luther University)
Introducing the GABEK-Gioia Analysis Approach: Qualitative Data Analysis in a New Combination
We present a new combination of the GABEK method and the Gioia methodology for qualitative data analysis. An overview of both approaches is discussed and similarities and differences are compared. Integrating both approaches, we develop the GABEK-Gioia Analysis and show its application to the current qualitative research critique. The advantages of the combination are demonstrated by presenting the evaluation steps and showing an application using sample data.
03.07.2024Ass. Prof. Alain Naef, PhD (ESSEC Business School, Paris)
The Development of Corporate Governance: Toulouse Companies from the Middle Ages onward
We exploit unique archives extending over six centuries to trace the development of corporate governance mechanisms that emerged in response to problems inherent in organizing, capitalizing and sustaining large-scale business enterprises. Two Toulouse milling concerns with antecedents in the 11th century organized themselves via mergers into widely-held joint-stock companies in the years 1372 and 1373. We document the institutional innovations they developed over the ensuing centuries, and place these in the context of institutional economic theory. The firms adapted or invented institutional features that are widely recognizable today, including fully tradable shares, limited liability, shareholder meetings, governing boards, cash payout policies, accounting audits and mechanisms for re-capitalization.

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