FAQ - Application and Admission
How does the application process work for international applicants?
The application process differentiates between applicants who received their high school diploma (Abitur) in Germany and elsewhere. Your nationality is irrelevant.
Applicants with an Abitur can apply to MLU or DoSV (please inquire separately for the respective study program). For international applicants, eligibility to study in Germany needs to be established first. Your application thus follows a two-stage process:
- First, you submit your documents to uni-assist which checks your eligibility to pursue your higher education in Germany.
- Second, uni-assist forwards the applications of all eligible applicants to MLU which will then select students from this pool and issue admissions.
Uni-assist provides a self check tool to check your eligibility prior to your application. Candidates with a GCE find additional information about required subjects on this DAAD page. However, you still need to apply via uni-assist as we cannot process applications that have not been cleared.
If you disagree with uni-assist's result, please contact them with your concerns. If you continue to have reason that they have missed something, you can contact us to double check your status. However, we will not and cannot perform random eligibility checks.
Why does uni-assist require "proof of proficiency in German" when I have applied for a study program in English?
The answer goes back to the previous question: if uni-assist finds you to have direct access to a German university, you do not need to present any proof of proficiency in German if you apply for a program that is taught in English.
If you have indirect access, however, you may need to complete a year of preparatory school (Studienkolleg) to study in Germany at all. Unfortunately, preparatory school is only available in German at this point so it requires previous knowledge of German to enter.
Can I apply to a business/economics program if I have received a final fail in a similar program of another university?
If you have received a final fail in another business/economics program, our examination office needs to check if you can still enroll in your desired program at MLU. To that end, please forward them your transcript of records.
Can I apply for a higher semester?
Yes, you can. For programs that start in the winter, you can apply as a 1./3./5. semester student in the winter and as a 2./4./6. semester student in the summer.
Please follow the same application process as a freshman, i.e. apply via MLU's online portal or uni-assist and enter the desired semester there. Additionally, please add the necessary confirmation note from examination office which you can obtain by sending them your current transcript of records.
Applicants to higher semesters need to fullfil all the admission requirements to the desired study program. If you apply to a program with restricted admission, there need to be open slots for students in your desired semester for the application to be successful.
Can I submit missing documents later?
No, your documents are needed to determine your position in our ranking of applicants and must therefore be submitted in time for your application to be considered.
Can I substitute any missing admission requirements with something else?
No, this holds particularly for your proof of proficiency in a language.
Which proofs of proficiency in a language do you accept?
Your documented proof of proficiency in a language enters your applicant ranking in study programs with restricted admission. To ensure comparability between documented proficiencies, we only accept the test results outlined in your study regulations. Internships abroad, (selected) lectures in English, internal tests, etc. do not document any specific or comparable level of proficiency.
How many slots are available in my desired study program?
The number of slots allocated to each study program is determined by the university administration on an annual basis. Please understand that we cannot answer questions about these capacities.
What are my chances of admission?
Your chances depend on the quality and number of fellow eligible applicants for your desired program. Both are impossible to predict in a given year, so we cannot provide a meaningful answer to inquiries about your odds.
When do I receive an admission/rejection letter?
Admissions for the winter and summer semesters are typically issued in the second week of August and the second week of February, respectively.