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Generelle Beschlüsse des Prüfungsausschusses zur Übergangsregelung der Studierenden
Retirement of the old examination regulations (PO version 2020) in the Master's degree programmes M.Sc. Business Studies 120LP and M.Sc. HRM 120LP in the field of economics - regulations for the transfer (WS 2023-2024)
Transitional regulations M.Sc. Business Studies 120 Credit Points
2023-06-06_Übergangsregelungen Master BWL_final.pdf
(352.5 KB) vom 13.07.2023
Transitional regulations M.Sc. HRM 120 Credit Points
2023-06-06_Übergangsregelungen Master HRM_final.pdf
(408.4 KB) vom 13.07.2023